Inizio > corsi > Venerdì 27 settembre 2024

Corso "1704 SO Theology of prayer"

Prof. >>
2 semestre (1,5 ects)
- Spiritualita'
1704 Theology of prayer* (2009/10 )
1704 SO Theology of prayer

Prayer is the expression of a deep longing for God. It has to do with blessings and difficulties. This course focuses on the different theologies of prayer during the history of spirituality. The different forms of prayer in history are expressions of different theological approaches. This course tries to reflect on the practice of prayer from a theological point of view. By the end of the term students should be able a) to explore the sources of Christian prayer for an understanding of the principles of Christian praying, b) to get an idea of the variety of Christian praying, theological approaches and develop an approach towards a theology of prayer for today, c) to learn about the impact of the Holocaust on praying today. The students who take the course for credit should write a final paper, developing a position about one of the primary themes of the course on the basis of the resources of the course and the student’s own experiences. This paper should be between 6-8 pages.


CaseyM., Sacred reading: the ancient art of lectio divina, Ligouri, Missouri, 1995.

CassianJ., The conferences, a cura di B. Ramsey, The Newman Press, New York, 1997, p. 323-393.

MertonTh., Contemplative prayer, Doubleday, New York, 1996.

RahnerK., The need and the blessing of prayer, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1997.

T. Dienberg

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