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Pubblicazioni del prof. (3)


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(Libri: 0; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 2; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articoli pubblicati su riviste accademiche (2)
Buscemi Marcello, Dio Padre in S. Paolo, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 247/269.

Summary: The present study intends to fill a gap found in the field of Pauline studies. Indeed, despite the amount of scholarly research on Paul’s letters, there is a lack of study dealing properly with the Pauline Theology, or Paul’s understanding of the God of Jesus Christ. This article tries to show the meaning and conse... (Continua)

Buscemi Alfio Marcello , Gal 3,8-14 Le genti benedette in Abramo per la fede, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 195-225.

Summary: Gal 3: 8-14, nodal point of the Puline doctrine of justification by faith, was and is the object of numerous studies that attempt to resolve the literary and theological problems of this difficult text. Many difficulties would be more easily resolved if a better subdivision were adopted; that is Gal 3: 8-14 with an insertion o... (Continua)


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Recensioni (1)
Buscemi A. Marcello, Recensione: RINALDO FABRIS, La tradizione paolina, in Antonianum 72/2 (1997) p. 317-319.

L'opera si presenta come una sintesi densa e articolata della problematica re­lativa alie sei lettere dell'epistolario paolino (2Tessalonicesi, Efesini, Colossesi, lTi-moteo, 2Timoteo, Tito), che alcuni critici ritengono «deuteropaoline» e «pseudepigrafe». Esse, anche se non sono state scrit... (Continua)

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