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(Libri: 0; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 3; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articoli pubblicati su riviste accademiche (3)
Jaeger David-Maria , Il trasferimento della norma canonica alla norma civile attraverso lo strumento pattizio: l’esempio di Israele, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 681-691.

Summary: The legal device of renvoi, or (correspondingly) reception, which refers to the norms of a different legal order, has considerable significance also for the relations between the canonical and the civil legal orders. The current canon law imports significant portions of the civil law into the canonical legal order, notably contract law, while the concrete... (Continua)

Jaeger David M. , Erezione di circoscrizioni ecclesiastiche orientali, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 499-521.

Summary: An analysis of the Conciliar and legislative texts of the Church shows that provision for the pastoral care and spiritual needs of Eastern-rite faithful in prevalently Latin-rite territory need not in every case be done through the establishment of separate ecclesiastical circumscriptions. Indeed the ordinary way to do so woul... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M., Animadversiones quaedam de necessitudine inter potestatem ordinis et regiminis iuxta C.I.C. recognitum, in Antonianum 59/3-4 (1984) p. 628-646.

(Libri: 0; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 3; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Recensioni (10)
Jaeger David M., Articoli del Professore P.Adriano Garuti O.F.M.(1938-2008) pubblicati sulla Rivista Antonianum-Libri del Professore P.Adriano Garuti O.F.M.(1938-2008) pubblicati dalla Casa Editrice Antonianum, in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 189-190.
  1. "Il Papa Patriarca d'Occidente? Riflessioni sull'origine del titolo", in An­tonianum 60, (1985), pp. 42-85.
  2. "... (Continua)
Jaeger David M.A., Recensione: ADRIANO GARUTI, Libertā religiosa ed ecumenismo: La questione del "territo-rio canonico" in Russia, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 163-165.

One of the commonest errors in (mis)understanding the Conciliar and Papal teaching on ecumenism is surely that of simply assuming that the Catholic Church has now somehow subscribed to Anglicanism’s "branch theory" of the Church. But even "branch theorists" should consider it pretty odd for anyone to proceed o... (Continua)

Jaeger David-Maria, Libri nostri: ADRIANO GARUTI O.F.M., Saggi di Ecumenismo, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 743-746.

The enormous complexity introduced into ecclesiological discourse by the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council on ecumenism, specifically on the relationship between the Catholic Church and the separated Churches and ecclesial communities, presents theologians with a formidable task, rendered ever more so by subsequent Papal teaching, language and gest... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Natura e futuro delle Conferenze Episcopali. Atti del Colloquio internazionale di Sala-manca (3-8 gennaio 1988), a cura di H. Legrand, J. Manzanares e A. Garcia y Garcia; Natwaleza y futuro de las Conferencias Episcopates: Adas del Coloquio in, in Antonianum 67/1 (1992) p. 156-158.

The  Salamanca  international  colloquium  on  the  nature  and future of Bi­shops' Conferences is no doubt one of the most significant meetings of its kind to have been held in recent years. Its Acta form a coherent whole and are assured the  status  of an  indispensab... (Continua)

Jaeger David M. , Recensione: Giorgio Feliciani, Le basi del diritto canonico: dopo il Codice del 1983; Giorgio Feliciani, Il popolo di Dio , in Antonianum 67/1 (1992) p. 158-159.

Giorgio Feliciani is without a doubt one of the best known and most highly regarded contemporary canonists. A married layman and father of a family he is professor of canon law at Milan's Sacred Heart University, as well as a consultant to the Holy See and a prolific writer, together with being one of the moving spirits in the acad... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Aidan McGrath, A Controversy Concerning Male Impotence , in Antonianum 66/4 (1991) p. 591-592.

This solution itself — shortly afterwards forcefully recalled by the same Pon­tiff in a discourse to the Rota — raised a number of problems and occasioned much discussion of both a doctrinal and a practical import. Was it a positive law? a declaration of the natural law? a positive determination of the natural law? And ... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: E. Garth Moore and Timothy Briden, Moore's Introduction to English Canon Law (Second Edition), in Antonianum 61/1 (1986) p. 184-186.

Students of comparative religious legislation, which means anyone with an intelligent interest in laws and norms of any kind, which govern mankind's religious activities, should welcome this unique work, which is an updating by the co-authors of Chancellor Garth Moore's equally unique work published twenty years before. This bo... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Winfried Schulz, Der neue Codex und die kirchlichen Vereine, in Antonianum 61/2-3 (1986) p. 500.

This is a very useful little book, very competently written and well organised. It is specifically designed for the guidance of those who are concerned in a practical way with associations of Christ's faithful, and although it pays particular attention to the territory of the Federal Re­public Germany, offers mostly information... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. , Recensione: FRANZ MUSSNER, Traktat iiber die Juden. , in Antonianum 59/1-2 (1984) p. 326-328.

This is an attempt by a noted promoter of Christian-Jewish dialogue to produce a theological treatise pro Judaeis to replace the erstwhile Tractatus adversus Judaeos. It is articulated in nine unequal parts: 1. Entwurf einer christlichen Theologie des Judentums 2. Das grosse Glau-benserbe Israels 3. Der &laqu... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Miscellanea: References and Préferences in the Christian-Jewish Dialogue , in Antonianum 58/2-3 (1983) p. 479-487.

There can be no doubt that the Christian-Jewish dialogue is a worthy enterprise full of problems of the most difficult and most complex sort. There are, first of all, the problems attendant upon any inter-religious dialogue, mainly concerning its nature, procedure, and finality, as well... (Continua)

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