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Prof. publications (3)


(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (1)
Bartoli Marco, Poveri e povertā, da Francesco d’Assisi a Bernardino da Siena, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 73-89.

Summary: This study analyses the contents of the Lenten sermon that Bernardine of Siena delivers in Florence, in 1425, from which there emerges the social and political sensibility of this Observant preacher. Ample space is given over to the value of alms, underlining almsgiving’s dual aspect, the ethical and the economic, the pu... (More)


(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Book reviews (1)
Bartoli Marco, Recensione: VITO ANTONIO SIRAGO, Galla Placidia. La nobilissima; TOMAS SPIDLIK, Melania. La benefattrice , in Antonianum 72/3 (1997) p. 518-521.

Non è cosa usuale presentare due libri allo stesso tempo, ma in questo caso ta­le scelta è possibile, non solo perché i due testi sono usciti allo stesso momento e si riferiscono a due donne vissute quasi negli stessi anni, ma anche e soprattutto per­ché vale la pena di leggere i due testi uno di seg... (More)

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