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Prof. publications (1)


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(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (1)
Cardellini Innocenzo, « Possessio » o « dominium honorum »? Riflessioni sulla proprietà privata e la « rimessa dei debiti » in Levitico 25, in Antonianum 70/3-4 (1995) p. 333-348.

SUMMARY: The author of this study has in mind the evaluation of the conception of « do­minium bonorum » in GS n. 1555 in the light of O.T. data, and, more precisely, of O.T. ju­ridical texts, with a particular consideration of Lev 25. Notwithstanding the socio-cultural and economic diversity of the world, it is, how... (More)

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