Summary: We examine the concept of complementarity, introduced by Bohr for interpreting quantum mechanics: It is very useful but characterized by some flaws. In particular, it is shown that dynamics should be understood as a trade-off between local events and .non-local. quantum correlations. Then, it is also shown that these results h... (More)
Auletta Auletta,
Dio č garante di un certo ordine mondano?, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 193-196.
Summary: In this article we show that God’s choice in Aquinas is subjected to necessitas consequentiae and is anthropomorphic in the structure. In fact ideas are presupposed which are co–eternal with God, and then God is obliged to choose the best possible realization among the possible ones. Completely different is the mod... (More)
Auletta Gennaro,
Il problema della scelta di Dio. Un breve esame di una tesi di Leibniz alla luce della discussione medievale , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 329-344.
Summary: Leibniz' thesis that God chooses the best possible world is analyzed. Point of departure is the middle-age discussion: starting by S. Thomas, particularly the analysis of the positions of Duns Scotus and Wilhelm of Ockham throws some light on the point. Then it is shown that one cannot speak of a conditional or moral neces... (More)
(Books: 1; Articles: in academic journals 3; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0) |
Book reviews (1) |
Auletta Gennaro,
Recensione: TOBIAS HOFFMANN, Creatura Intellecta, Die Ideen und Possibilien bei Duns Scotus mit Ausblick auf Franz von Mayronis, Poncius und Mastrius, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 721-723.
Il testo di Hoffmann presenta un notevole interesse essenzialmente per tre motivi: per l’accurata ricostruzione delle posizioni di Scoto su questo punto capitale per la comprensione delle sue posizioni e del dibattito tardo-medievale, per il confronto intenso con una serie di altri teologi e filosofi medievali, per l’attenz... (More)
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