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Prof. publications (3)


(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (1)
Spelič Miran, Vittorino da Poetovio, profeta diventato esegeta, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 685-691.



(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 1; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Book reviews (2)
Spelic Miran, Recensione: Omelie sull’Esodo. Lettura origeniana, a cura di M. Maritano e E. dal Covolo, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 382-383.

The magnificent gesture of Moses standing in front of the divided waters of the Red Sea, represented on the cover of the book, as it can be seen on the famous mosaic in the Redemptoris Mater chapel in the papal apartments in the Vatican, could well be one of Origen himself. One hand stretched up as if grasping for spiritual meaning, th... (More)

Špelič Miran, Recensione: ANTONÍA TRIPOLITIS, Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman Age, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 717-719.

Perché scrivere e pubblicare un altro manuale sulle religioni dell'antichità tardiva? Come se si potesse dire qualcosa di nuovo su questo tema!

Un'osservazione quanto più ingiusta! Non solo perché il materiale in questi... (More)

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