Faggioni Maurizio ,
L'uomo č ancora signore del creato? Tracce di etica ambientale in Ģ GS ģ ,
Antonianum, 70/3-4 (1995) p. 429-472
SUMMARY: After outlining the most significative features of the Conciliar teaching on the role and responsibility of man for creation, placing them in their theological and cultural context, the Author confronts the traditional christian ecological model with the main models of environmental ethics present in contemporary reflection: the anthropocentric as well as the antianthropocentric, and also the attempts to overcome them both through the various declensions of Deep Ecology. The present study highlights the peculiarity of christian ecotheo-logical model as a theory of the intrinsic value of natural realities in the context of a relative anthropocentrism, drawing forth precise criteria of decision-making and some consequences on the operational level. The emblematic figure of St. Francis is, in the end, presented as a model of a new ecological ethos.