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Un interprete deft'École francaise de spirituatité riguardo alla teologia del sacrificio della Messa: Pierre Le Brun de l'Oratoire (1661-1729)

Foto Calabrese Vincenzo , Un interprete deft'École francaise de spirituatité riguardo alla teologia del sacrificio della Messa: Pierre Le Brun de l'Oratoire (1661-1729), in Antonianum, 68/1 (1993) p. 24-44 .

SUMMARY: Pierre Le Brun, exponent of berullian christocentrism, presents to us a parti­cularly interesting reflection on the sacrifice of the Mass. Inserting himself within the JfScofe, he persists in his conviction that the mysteries of Christ are events which, accomplished in time, remain forever present in the power through which they were achieved and they still exercise their salvific virtue; in this way the Christian relives the mystery and reproduces it in his existence. Le Brun's thought is confronted with that of his fellowbrothers: Berulle, de Condren, Olier ... showing forth to us its attraction and actuality for contemporary theology.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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