Home > Publications > Zavalloni Monday 22 July 2024

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La funzione educativa del lavoro umano alla luce della « Laborem exercens »

Foto Zavalloni Roberto , La funzione educativa del lavoro umano alla luce della « Laborem exercens » , in Antonianum, 62/1 (1987) p. 98-119 .

Summary — The A. of this study, in the light of the teaching of the Enciclical Laborem exercens, exposes all the social and juridical implications concerning an educational conception of human labour. Will be empha­sized the ethical and personalistic value of labour, with its institutional and structural consequences and responsabilities. Especially, in this perspective, will be considered some categories of weaker persons: wo­men, minors, handicapped... in order to claim a just social status in relation to their human dignity.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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