Home > Publications > Papale Wednesday 02 October 2024

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Brevi note in tema di delitto di falsa denuncia e lesione dell’altrui buona fama (can. 1390, §2) e di tutela penale del diritto all’intimitā

Foto Papale Claudio , Brevi note in tema di delitto di falsa denuncia e lesione dell’altrui buona fama (can. 1390, §2) e di tutela penale del diritto all’intimitā, in Antonianum, 82/4 (2007) p. 757-782 .

Summary: This article examines, first of all, however concisely, the two distinct ecclesiastical delicts – or, canonical crimes – established by canon. 1390, § 2 of the Codex Iuris Canonici. Following some brief references to the canonical discipline pre-Code, and to the Codex of 1917, the article goes on to analyse the structure of these crimes today. Highlighted in particular are certain questions, to which s olustion is sought that is compatible with the fundamental principles proper to the canonical penal law. The article concludes with an analysis o the penal safeguarding of the right to privacy, underlining the lacunae in the Code and the norms contained in the General Decree of the Italian Bishops’ Conference N. 1285/1999.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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