Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Malina Giovedì 21 novembre 2024

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Paternitā di Dio e preghiera filiale. (Le 11,8 nel suo contesto)

Foto Malina Artur , Paternitā di Dio e preghiera filiale. (Le 11,8 nel suo contesto), in Antonianum, 88/2 (2013) p. 271-287 .

Summary: Jesus's exhortation to pray concerns an issue of fundamental importance for the theology of the Gospel of Luke. The parable following the instruction on the Lord's Prayer calls the disciples to pray God with αναίδεια (Lk 11,8). This term describes the attitude held by the petitioner towards his friend and not by the friend who is being petitioned. It should be taken in its literal meaning as representing an audacious relationship to God. By this example, the disciples are encouraged to be confident that God the Father is always ready to hear His children

Sommario in spagnolo:

Sumario: La exhortation de Jesus a la oration tiene que ver con una cuestion de fundamental importancia para la teologia del Evangelio de Lucas. La parabola que sigue a la ensenanza de Jesus sobre la oration del Senor invita a los discipulos a rogar a Dios con αναίδεια (11,8). El vocablo es usado para describir una conducta asumida de parte de quienpide hacia su amigoy noun comportamiento delamigo que ha recibido la petition. La actitud debe tomarse en su sentido literal; ella sirve para representar una relation audaz con Dios. Con este ejemplo, los discipulos son animados a confiar en que Dios Padre estd siempre listo para escuchar a sus hijos.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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