Home > Publications > Sānchez Navarro Wednesday 03 July 2024

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Una presenza salvifica. Il Padre nel mistero pasquale di Gesų secondo Luca

Foto Sānchez Navarro Luis , Una presenza salvifica. Il Padre nel mistero pasquale di Gesų secondo Luca, in Antonianum, 88/2 (2013) p. 289-299 .

Summary: The Father's presence in the Passion of Jesus becomes concrete in four characteristic texts, three of which are found exclusively in the Third Gospel. Study of these four texts makes evident the active role of the Father in the culminating events ofjesus's earthly life; these events are, in effect, transformed into a revelation of the goodness of the Father and of His benevolent plan of salvation.

Summary in Spanish:

Sumario: Lapresencia del Padre en lapasion de Jesus segiin Lucas se hace concreta en cuatro textos curacteristicos, tres de los cuales son exclusivos del tercer Evangelio. El estudio de estos cuatro textos pone de manifiesto el papel activo del Padre en los acontecimientos culminantes de la vida terrena de Jestis; estos eventos son, en efecto, transformados en revelacion de la bondad del Padre y de su plan benevolo de salvacion.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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