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Il grande testimone. La testimonianza del Padre a Gesų nel vangelo secondo Giovanni

Foto Sānchez Navarro Luis , Il grande testimone. La testimonianza del Padre a Gesų nel vangelo secondo Giovanni, in Antonianum, 88/2 (2013) p. 315-331 .

Summary: In the Fourth Gospel there are different testimonies that converge in Jesus; in these the Father manifests Himself. He who for love of the world has sent his Son (3,6) actuates this His great love through multiple testimony (His works, the Scriptures, the Spirit, the disciples, other persona­ges) that aims to fasten all eyes on Jesus, and that is articulated literarily, as it were, around the two great witness protagonists of the narrative (John and the beloved disciple). Through these various testimonies, then, hut also by His own voice (12,28), the Father affirms that the definitive salvation has been revealed in Jesus Messiah and Son of God, for all those who, accepting these testimonies, will believe in Him (cf 20,31).

Summary in Spanish:

Sumario: En el cuarto Evangelio encontramos diversos testimonios che convergen en Jesus; en ellos semanifiesta el Padre. Quien por amor del mundo envio a suHijo (3,16) coloca en action sugrande amor a traves de un testimonio multiple (las obras, las Escrituras, el Espiritu, los discipulos, otros personajes), que quiere hacerfijar los ojos de todos en Jesus y que se articula literalmente en torno a dos grandes testigps protagonistas de la narration (Juan y el discipulo amado). Por consiguente, a traves de diversos testimonios, pero tambien con su misma voz (12,28), il Padre atestigua che la salvation definitiva ha sido revelada en Jesus, Meslas e Hijo de Dios, para todos los que, acogiendo estos testimonios, creerdn en el (cf. 20,31).

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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