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Il Padre, datore dei beni al figlio. Alcuni aspetti di paterologia in Gv 17,1-5

Foto Morales Rios Jorge Humberto , Il Padre, datore dei beni al figlio. Alcuni aspetti di paterologia in Gv 17,1-5, in Antonianum, 88/2 (2013) p. 333-356 .

Sommario: Summary: Cardinal A. Vanhoye offers a valuable description of the Father by reference tojn 17,4 as he states: "The Father reveals Himself as He who gives. It is this that is His fundamental attitude." Here the introduction (17,1-5) is being considered to the well-known prayer of Jesus, in order to enquire into the three gifts that Jesus-Son receives from His Father: (a) complete and uni­versal authority over human beings, (b) the disciples, and (c) the work to be accomplished perfectly. It is these gifts that are the central concern of these pages. The conclusion puts into relief three aspects: (a) a first nucleus centred on the relationship between Father and Son; (b) the second nucleus is the relationship between Jesus and the disciples; (c) the returning to the Father of that which has come forth from Him. Ultimately, these three aspects bring into focus the centrality of the Father in all that has for its definitive purpose the giving of "eternal life."

Sommario in spagnolo:

Sumario: el cardenal A. Vanhoye ofrece una bella description del Padre al hacer referenda a Jn 17,4, cuando afirma: «ElPadre se revela como el que da. Es esta su actitud fundamental'». En este articulo se estudia la introduction (17,1-5) de la conocida oration de Jesus con elfin de destacar los tres dones que Jesus-Hijo recibe de parte de su Padre: (a) la autoridad plena y universal sobre los hombres, (b) los discipulosy (c) la obra que debe cumplir a plenitud. Son precisamente estos dones la lima estructurante de estas pdginas. La conclusion pone de manifesto tres aspectos: (a) un primer nucleo centrado en la relation entre el Padre y elHijo; (b) un segundo niicleo acerca de la relation entre Jesus y sus discipulos; (c) por ultimo, el regresar al Padre de todo cuanto de el ha tornado su origen. En pocas palabras, estos tres aspectos enfocan la centralidad del Padre en todo aquello que time como meta definitiva la donation de la «vida eterna».

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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