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Family relationships and polar opposition: Being equal while remaining different

Foto Carbajo Núñez Martín , Family relationships and polar opposition: Being equal while remaining different, in Forum Teologiczne, 22 (2021) p. 61-80 .

Abstract: On the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia, this article focuses on the importance of family relationships in our globalized world. The family allows everyone to feel equal while remaining different. In tune with Romano Guardini, Pope Francis uses the dialectic of polar opposition to describe the unity in diversity that is typical of authentic family life (part 1). He notes, however, that the technocratic paradigm, homogeneous and one-dimensional, cancels out this dynamic, thus opening the way to globalized indifference and the throwaway culture (part 2). Therefore, the Pope invites us to rebuild family relationships and preserve the polar opposition at our four fundamental levels: spiritual, personal, social and natural (part 3).
Keywords: Family, Fraternity, Polar opposition, Dialogue, Amoris Laetitia.
Sumario: En el quinto aniversario de Amoris Laetitia, este artículo analiza la importancia de las relaciones familiares en nuestro mundo globalizado. La familia parental hace posible que todos se sientan iguales sin dejar de ser diferentes. En sintonía con Romano Guardini, el Papa Francisco usa la dialéctica de la oposición polar para describir la unidad en la diversidad, que es típica de la vida familiar auténtica (1ª parte). Hace notar, sin embargo, que el actual paradigma tecnocrático, homogéneo y unidimensional, anula esa dinámica, abriendo así la vía a la cultura del descarte (2ª parte). En la tercera parte, se ofrecen algunas indicaciones del Papa sobre cómo recuperar las relaciones familiares y la oposición polar en nuestros cuatro niveles fundamentales: espiritual, personal, social y natural.
Palabras clave: Familia, Fraternidad, Oposición polar, Diálogo, Amoris Laetitia.
Sommario: Nel quinto anniversario dell'esortazione Amoris Laetitia, questo articolo esamina l'importanza delle relazioni familiari nel nostro mondo globalizzato. La famiglia parentale permette a tutti di sentirsi uguali pur rimanendo diversi. In sintonia con Romano Guardini, Papa Francesco usa la dialettica dell'opposizione polare per descrivere l'unità nella diversità che è tipica della vita familiare autentica (Parte 1). Fa notare, tuttavia, che l'attuale paradigma tecnocratico, omogeneo e unidimensionale, annulla questa dinamica, aprendo così la strada alla cultura dello scarto (Parte 2). Nella terza parte, vengono offerte alcune delle indicazioni di Papa Francesco su come recuperare le relazioni familiari e le opposizioni polari nei quattro livelli fondamentali della vita umana: spirituale, personale, sociale e naturale.
Parole chiave: Famiglia, Fraternità, Opposizione polare, Dialogo, Amoris Laetitia.


1. The polar opposition
1.1. Four oppositional principles
1.2. Unity in diversity
1.3. The image of the polyhedron
2. The technocratic, homogeneous, and unidimensional paradigm
2.1. Disembodied spiritualism
2.2. The necessary personal balance
2.2.1. Identity and sociability
2.2.2. Privacy and exhibitionism
2.3. Polar tension between global and local
2.4. The man-nature polarity
3. Restoring family relations
3.1. God is a family
3.1.1. Constantly going forth
3.1.2. Tension between theology and pastoral care
3.2. The human person is a familiar and intrinsically social being
3.2.1. Normativity and personal conscience
3.2.2. By taking care of others, we take care of ourselves (and vice versa)
3.3. A universal, united, and pluriform family
3.3.1. Collective identity and openness to universality
3.3.2. Global and local are "two inseparable and equally vital poles" (ft 142)
3.4. The great cosmic family
- Catholic magisterium
- Other bibliography

Key words: Family, Fraternity, Polar opposition, Dialogue, Amoris Laetitia.

(Attached file)
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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