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Course "7124 SS Franciscan Spiritual Accompaniment"

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1 semester (3 ects)
7124 Franciscan Spiritual Accompaniment* (2011/12 )

Life is a journey and we need the help of one another at every stage in life to affirm, to confirm, and to reform. In spiritual accompaniment the spiritual companion/director facilitates the accompanied/directee in discerning the plan of God and carrying it out with greater and greater freedom. This course consists of “in-put sessions” (based on the Word of God, Franciscan Sources and psychology) and “practicum in triads”.The evaluation consists of one short written work based on one’s personal experience at the beginning and an oral test at the end.
ArmstrongR.J. e A., Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, I-III, New City Press, New York-London-Manila, 1999.
BarryW.A.-Connolly W.L., The Practice of Spiritual Direction, Harper, San Francisco, 1984.
Casto L., La direzione spirituale come paternità, Effatà, Torino, 2003.
ChesterM.P., An Introduction to Spiritual Direction: A Practical Approach for Directors and Directees, Paulist Press, New Jersey, 2004.
Costa M., Direzione spirituale e discernimento, ADP, Roma, 2002.
CousinsE., Bonaventure: The Souls Journey into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis, Paulist Press, New York, 1978.
CrastaP., Spiritual Accompaniment according to St. John: The Beloved Directee, ATC, Bangalore, 2010.
DelioI., Simply Bonaventure: An Introduction to His Life, Thought, and Writings, New City Press, New York, 2001.
DevasiaM., Spiritual Direction: A Methodology, S.F.S. Publications, Bangalore, 2005.
FormanM., Praying with the Desert Mothers, Liturgical Press, Minnesota, 2005.
KeirseyD.-Bates M., Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types, Prometheus Nemesis Book Co., Del Mar, CA, 1984.
LeechK., Soul Friend- Spiritual Direction in the Modern World, Longman and Todd, London, 2001.
WhiteheadJ.D.-Whitehead E.E., Shadows of the Heart: A Spirituality of the Painful Emotions, The Crossroad Publishing Company, New York, 2000.
P. Crasta

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