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Franciscan Economy. A proposal to overcome the present economic crisis

Taormina & Adrano (Sicilia) - October 3-4, 2015

Place: Taormina (Sicilia)
Date: 03/10/2015

 A book by prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez on Franciscan Economics ("Economia francescana: una proposta per uscire dalla crisi"), published by Editions Dehoniane Bologna in the series Theological Ethics Today will be presented in three different places at Taormina and Adrano: 
1) Saturday Ottobre 3, 20159:30 am,at the l'I.T.S. "Pietro Branchina",  San Tommaso d'Aquino street, 
Adrano (CT), 
2) The same day, 11:00 am,  at the la Scuola "Santa Lucia",   San Tommaso d'Aquino street 19, Adrano (CT),
3) Sunday Ottobre 4, at the Sala del Consiglio Comunale di Taormina,  
corso Umberto, 217,at 16:30 pm


In this work the author presents the significant contributions made by the Franciscans of the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries to the understanding and orientation of economic processes. In the opinion of some scholars that contribution was paradoxically decisive for the establishment of a market economy . The author believes this information is useful in the search for solutions to the current economic and financial crisis.


The gathering and talk by the author is organized by the   Società Cooperativa Sociale "frate Jacopa" . The text is also available in Spanish - Crisis económica: una propuesta franciscana published by Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos in the series Estudios ensayos - and in Portuguese - Crise económica: uma proposta franciscana, published in the Editorial Franciscana in the series Temas de espiritualidade Franciscan.


-  See what people say about it (Reviews)


On May 15, 2014 another presentation of this book took place at the Alfonsian Accademy (Rome) , on May 30, 2014 at Bologna, on May 2, 2015 at Sarnoand on May 14, 2015 at Mestre (Venezia). A new presentation is already programmed for the first days of October 2015 and will be held at Taormina (Sicilly).
The Spanish edition has been presented at the ITM (Murcia - Spagna) on October 14, 2014. 


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Program in Taormina (Octobre 4, 2015)
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Program October 3, 2015
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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