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Sister Mother Earth, Franciscan roots of Laudato Si

August 31, 2018, at 19:00 pm, Diocesan Auditorium - Mexicali (Mexico)

Place: Mexicali (Mexico)
Date: 31/08/2018
PUA On August 31, 2018, at 19:00 pm, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will give a conference in the city of Maxicali, auditorio Diocesano "Mon. Manuel Pérez Gil y González", Av Reforma 497, (Mexico), on the subject: "Sister Mother Earth, Franciscan roots of Laudato Si". Developing this theme, prof. Carbajo will also present his latest book: "Sister Mother Earth: Franciscan roots of the Laudato Si, Media House, Delhi 2018", which already has six editions in four languages, and others still on the way .. 

The first part of prof. Carbajo's talk will focus on Francis of Assisi's vital attitude towards creatures, that could be described today as an ecology of brotherhood or kinship. 

  + info on ecology: (here)
Matière disponible
Gros titre Italien: Sorella Madre Terra. Radici francescane della Laudato Si
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