Il prof.
Martín Carbajo Núñez forma parte di un
gruppo internazionale di specialisti in etica dei media (
Media Ethics Think Tank) che si radunerà a Doha, Qatar, dal 21 al 22 gennaio 2019, per studiare le sfide etiche dei media oggi ed esaminare il nuovo codice di etica QMH. Il prof. Carbajo terrà anche una presentazione in inglese sul tema: "Attention to subjectivity and appeal to consciousness in the deontological codes of European journalism".
Alcuni dati pressi dalla
pagina web (
2) ufficiale
"The two-day conference in Doha, Qatar will gather leading scholars in media and ethics from regions around the globe. Day 1 of the METT Conference will be dedicated to presenting and debating current ethical challenges and solutions in the media. On Day 2 of the METT Conference, scholars will examine the newlydeveloped QMH Code of Ethics and its policies through case-study analysis"
Mission: Media Ethics Think Tank Qatar (METT Qatar) is dedicated to establishing ethical standards that bridge cultures through analyzing, debating, and finding solutions for the current ethical challenges facing the media.
The 2019 METT Qatar Conference will host media ethics experts from around the world, who specialize in different ethical areas and media platforms.
On Day 1 of the 2019 METT Conference, each expert will participate on a panel, based on their expertise, to tackle the most pressing media ethics problems today. The select group of academics will discuss ethical standards and obstacles which relate to different regions around the world.
On Day 2 of the Conference, these METT Qatar experts will be divided into micro think tanks. This will result in the development of an ethics advisory board operating in the soon-to-open Qatar Media Hub, using the agreed upon code of ethics and policies. The 2019 case studies will highlight the ethical tension in the Middle East surrounding censorship.