Home > Nouvelles et Info > 19/09/2020

Spiritualità francescana ed ecologia integrale

Programme "Season of Creation" September 19, 2020, at 10:00 p.m., Rome time (3:00 p.m. Peruvian time).

Place: Online-Perú
Date: 19/09/2020
PUA Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will give a talk on the theme: "Franciscan Spirituality and Pilgrim Ecology" as part of the programme "Season of Creation".

The event is organized by the Commission "Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation" (JPIC) of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of Peru and will be held on September 19, 2020, at 10:00 p.m., Rome time (3:00 p.m. Peruvian time).

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