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Fraternity, familiar relationships and politics in the light of the encyclical Fratelli tutti

5th International Symposium of Familiology

Place: Olsztyn - Polonia
Date: 13/05/2021
PUA On May 13-14th, 2020, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will participate in the 5th International Symposium on the family. The general subject of this conference will be: Family – Politics - Globalization. The Symposium is organized by the university of Warmia Ymazury, in Olsztyn (Poland).

Prof. Carbajo will present the subject: "Fraternity, familiar relationships and politics in the light of the encyclical Fratelli tutti." The key to understand these concepts rightly is found in the dignity of the human person and his/her intrinsic sociability. Familiar relationships and good politics are necessary to achieve a "healthy and open" community life in the globalized world. In other words, there can be no universal fraternity without good politics, "built upon respect for law and frank dialogue between individuals" (FT 196).

This will be the fourth consecutive time that Prof. Carbajo is invited to this annual symposium by the University of Olsztyn.
Available material
Certificate of participation
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Program schedule
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Book of abstracts
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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