Home > Nouvelles et Info > 11/04/2022

Course: 'Contemporary image of the world / Współczesny obraz świata"'

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn - 2021-2022

Place: Olsztyn - Polonia
Date: 11/04/2022
PUA Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM will teach a 60-hour course at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) during the second semester of the year 2021-2022 as a visiting professor. The course will study the theological and ethical challenges in the Digital Age. Its third section will be entitled: "Contemporary image of the world

This will be the distribution of his teaching hours:

1. "Contemporary image of the world" - 30 hours. The students will use the three Polish-version books of Professor Carbajo. There will also take part a group of PhD students.
2. Ecology, Post-humanism and Artifitial intelligence - 5 hours.
3. Spirituality and dogmatic theology: 25 hours.

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