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"The Lord gave me brothers". Francis of Assisi's influence on the encyclical Fratelli tutti

ITM-Murcia, 20.03.2012 - XXXV Theological Symposium

Place: ITM Murcia
Date: 20/03/2023
PUA On March 20, 2023, at 19:00 pm, Prof. Martín Carbajo-Núñez will give a lecture at the Theological Institute of Murcia (ITM), Spain, on the theme: ""The Lord gave me brothers". Francis of Assisi's influence on the encyclical Fratelli tutti

Professor Carbajo's intervention is part of the program of the XXXV Symposium on Theology, organized by the ITM, which will be held from March 20 to 26 at the headquarters of that theological center. Prof. Carbajo had already participated in the XXV edition of this symposium (March 6-9, 2012).

Prof. Carbajo will present Francis of Assisi as an inspiring model of the universal fraternity proposed by the encyclical Fratelli tutti. The Pope asserts that “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, with his school of thought, that gave the term fraternity the meaning it then preserved over the centuries.” Universal fraternity requires the harmonious development of our four fundamental relationships, something which is evident in both Francis of Assisi (part 1) and the encyclical Fratelli tutti (part 2). Inspired by saint Francis, the Pope invites us to welcome all human beings as brothers and sisters and thus to dream together "as a single human family".

Full Video of Prof. Carbajo's talk
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