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Congress on Franciscan Education

January 3-5, 2024 - San Francisco de Mostazal (Chile)

Place: San Francisco de Mostazal (Chile)
Date: 03/01/2024
PUA Prof. Martin Carbajo-Núñez will be one of the main speakers at the Congress on Franciscan Education to be held in the city of San Francisco de Mostazal (casa Alvernia), located about 45 kilometers from the city of Santiago (Chile). The audience will be about one hundred and thirty teachers and directors of schools of the Franciscan spirituality in Chile. Congress website: educacionfranciscana.org

In preparation for the Congress, on 22 November 2023, an online seminar on "Integral ecology and education was held. To be a Franciscan educator today".

Previously, on September 10, 2011, Prof. Carbajo had given some lectures in Santiago de Chile to the brothers and sisters in initial formation of the Franciscan family on various topics:
1) "Franciscdo of Assisi and global ethics".
2. The Franciscan contribution in the economic field, a response to the current crisis.
3. Work in the Franciscan perspective

More recently, on November 7, 2020, he spoke about the economy in a Franciscan key.
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Gros titre Italien: 3. Equilibrio ecologico e nuove tecnologie. La rete della vita e della vita in rete
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Gros titre Italien: 3. Equilibrio ecologico e nuove tecnologie. La rete della vita e della vita in rete
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Gros titre Italien: 3. Equilibrio ecologico e nuove tecnologie. La rete della vita e della vita in rete
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Gros titre Italien: 3. Equilibrio ecologico e nuove tecnologie. La rete della vita e della vita in rete
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