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Presentation of the best thesis of the Alphonsian Pontifical Academy (2021)

Series: "Alphonsian Academy Theses," n. 8

Place: Roma
Date: 21/03/2023
PUA On March 21, 2023, Francisco Javier Real Álvarez, a student of Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, has presented the book of his doctoral thesis, recently published in the Collection "Theses of the Alphonsian Academy" (n. 8), because it had been recognized as the best thesis of the year 2021. The presentation took place on May 21, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., during the Congress on "St. Alphonsus, pastor of the poor and doctor of the Church".

Prof. Mario Boies, correlator of the thesis, was also present at the event. He intervened to indicate some points of excellence of the thesis. At the same event, the thesis no. 9, published in the same collection, was also presented.

At the end of the presentation, the protagonists of the event took together the photo reproduced below, in which can be seen, from left to right, the President of Alfonsiana, prof. Alfonso Amarante, Martín Carbajo, Francisco Javier, Mario Boies, and the episcopal vicar of the diocese of Francisco Javier in Huelva (Spain).
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Gros titre Italien: Copertina e indice della tesi
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