Home > Nouvelles et Info > 20/09/2013

2013: I gift a copy of my books on economics to Pope Francis

Sept. 20, 2013 - Vatican City

Place: Vaticano
Date: 20/09/2013
PUA On 20.09.2013, Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez gave Pope Francis a copy in Portuguese of the books on economics that he has published in various languages. The meeting began with a Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of Santa Marta and, at the end, Pope Francis received Prof. Carbajo.

In the following years, Prof. Carbajo has continued to bring some of his publications to Pope Francis. Thus, in 2019, he gave him six of his books on ecology and, in 2023, he gave him another 12 books on various topics, especially on the encyclical Fratelli tutti and on the relationship between ecology and communication. The Holy Father was amazed at such a prolific literary production and asked Prof. Carbajo if he continued to write even during the night.
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Gros titre Italien: 2013 (video): Dono a Papa Francesco uno dei miei libri sull'economia.
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Gros titre Italien: 2013 (video): Dono a Papa Francesco uno dei miei libri sull'economia.
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Gros titre Italien: 2013 (video): Dono a Papa Francesco uno dei miei libri sull'economia.
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