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Conference on Francis of Assisi and global ethics (Lima-Perú)

Lima (Peru) Sept. 10, 2011

Place: Lima
Date: 10/09/2011
PUA On September 10, 2011, Prof. Martin Carbajo Nuñez held a conference on "Francis of Assisi and Global Ethics" at the Franciscan Center of Peru, in Lima, Calle Jiron Manco Capac 202C-Rimac. 

This formative meeting has also served to present the book that Prof. Carbajo has published on this topic, as well as two volumes that he has edited on John Duns Scotus, with the participation of more than 30 international specialists. These volumes have become part of the library of the Franciscan Center of Peru.
Available material
Certificate of participation
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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