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Day of the Region of Aliste, Tábara and Alba

Figueruela, 14, 15 and 16 July 2023 - Martín Carbajo will make the opening speech

Place: Figueruela de Arriba y Abajo
Date: 14/07/2023
PUA Martín Carbajo Núñez has been in charge of the opening speech in the Day of the Comarca of Aliste, Tábara and Alba that this year will be celebrated in Figueruela de Arriba, Martín's hometown (photo). Among the numerous participating authorities, including many mayors of these three zones, there was also Leticia García, territorial delegate of the Junta de Castilla y León and Javier Faúndez Domínguez, president of the Diputación de Zamora. 

It is a celebration of fraternity and conviviality, in which the people of the region celebrate their own cultural roots and share the products of the land.

This will be the 32nd edition of this festive event. The previous ones were in Fornillos (1989), Ferreruela (1990), Manzanal del Barco (1991), Muelas del Pan (1992 and 1998), Trabazos (1993, 2002 and 2012), Ceadea (1994), Videmala (1995), Samir (1996 and 2006), Rabanales (1997 and 2015), Pino (1999 and 2010), Viñas (2000 and 2018), Sejas (2001), Nuez (2003 and 2011), La Torre (2004), Ferreras de Abajo (2005), Carbajales (2008), Mahíde (2009), Alcañices (2013), Fonfría (2014), San Mamed (2016), Domez (2017) and Muga (2019), Tábara (2022).

The years 2020 and 2021 could not be held because of the pandemic. In addition to these two years, it was only not celebrated in 2007, because the area was in mourning due to an accident.

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Gros titre Italien: Discorso di apertura ("Pregón")
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Gros titre Italien: Discorso di apertura ("Pregón")
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