Home > Nouvelles et Info > 27/08/2012

Visit of Fr. Martín Carbajo to Colombia (27/8 to 15/9 2012)

Formation seminar for the friars and conferences in the four branches of St. Bonaventure University.

Place: Colombia (Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Cartagena)
Date: 27/08/2012
PUA From August 27 to September 15, 2012, Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will visit the two OFM Franciscan Provinces in Colombia for various formative meetings with the friars.

In Cali he will have a meeting in the formation house of the Province of St. Paul the Apostle.
In Bogota, he will hold a formation seminar for formators from August 28-30, in which 35 friars will participate. Later, from September 3-7, he will have a formation meeting with 71 friars in initial formation.

After these formative meetings, he will hold several conferences in the four locations of St. Bonaventure University: Cali (Sept. 8-9), Medellin (Sept. 10-11) and Bogota (Sept. 14).
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