On November 8, 2023,
Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez will give an online conference at the
Catholic Theological Union of Chicago on the topic: "
The Franciscan influence on the market economy and its relevance today".
The meeting is organized by the Duns Scotus Chair of the aforementioned theological faculty.
Some of the ideas that will be developped:
Otras posibles ideas para la presentación:
The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, keeps being relevant today. This fact has been recently recognized by Pope Francis when he convened a world meeting of young economists in Assisi, entitled “The economy of Francesco,” to promote a more fraternal economic system, more attentive to the poor and the environment. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting ended up being held online on November 19-21, 2020. This presentation will focus on the fundamental features of the Franciscan economy that the Pope has once again proposed as an inspirational model for a new economy today
Prof. Carbajo will present the important contribution that the Franciscan friars made, during the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, to understand, accept, and humanize the incipient market economy. For some authors, they were decisive in the emergence of the modern market economy. The friars even founded financial institutions: the Mounts of Piety. Those responses from yesterday can guide the search for solutions to the current economical problems. (
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