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Education and artificial intelligence: The role of the family

Olsztyn, June 12, 2024 - 8th International Symposium of Familiology

Place: Olsztyn - Polonia
Date: 12/06/2024
PUA On June 12, 2024, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will participate in the 8th International Symposium on the family as a lecturer and as a member of the Research Council. Prof. Carbajo will talk abount: "Education and artificial intelligence: The role of the family".

The general subject of this Symposium will be: "The child in the family. The search for an integral platform for familiological research". The Symposium is organized by the university of Warmia Ymazury (www.uwm.edu.pl), in Olsztyn (Poland).

The aim of the symposium is to meet specialists from various research areas to find an integral platform of familiological research. A common research question is the issue of the child’s place and importance in the family, presented from the perspective of a specific scientific discipline.

This will be the seventh consecutive time that Prof. Carbajo is invited to this annual symposium by the University of Olsztyn.
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