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Everything is connected: the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor in the light of the Canticle of the Creatures and Laudato Si

May 24, 2025, at 17.30 (IST) - "Franciscan Vision Global Summit 2025" (FVGS)

Place: India (online)
Date: 24/05/2025
PUA On May 24, 2025, at 5.30pm-6.45pm (IST), Prof. Martín Carbajo-Núñez, ofm will give a 45 minutes talk for the participants of the online event: "Franciscan Vision Global Summit 2025". Prof. Carbajo will develop the theme: “Everything is connected”: the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor in the light of the Canticle of the Creatures and Laudato si’".

The Franciscan Vision Global Summit (FVGS) 2025 is organized by TAU, a Franciscan International Journal promoted by the OFM-INDIA and will take place throughout 2025, with a monthly conference, followed by dialogue with the speaker. With this initiative, the Franciscan family in India intends to commemorate the 8th centenary of the Canticle of the Creatures. The general subject is: "Rediscovering the creation-spirituality of Francis of Assisi and retrieving the Franciscan view of Creation to be pilgrims of hope today" 

Every talk will be published in TAU, a Franciscan International Journal and will be translated into seven different languages.

Attached is a the tentative programme of FVGS 2025 and the poster of FVGS 2024.
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Gros titre Italien: Programma 2024
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Gros titre Italien: Programma 2024
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