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Cultural activities which have already taken place
The Minister General OFM, Rvd.mo P. Michael Perry pays tribute to Fr. Saturnino Ruiz de Loizaga >>
PUA29 June, 2021: The Minister General OFM, Rvd.mo P. Michael Perry, visits the San Antonio fraternity and pays tribute to Fr. Saturnino Ruiz for his 55 years of service to the Scots Commission.(Continua)
Prof. Carbajo will give two talks at Oakland (USA) >>
PUAOn August 5, 2018, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez will give two talks at the auditorium of St. Elizabeth parish, Oakland (1500 34th Avenue, Oakland, Ca 9461). The meeting is organized by the OFS council, which celebrates its annual day of recollection. The prof. Car... (Continua)
The importance of family relationships for the economy >>
PUAOn June 11-12, 2018, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will attend a symposium organized by the università di Warmia Ymazury, in Olsztyn (Poland) on  "The family business in the context of the integration of h... (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: "Meno è di più". Basi antropologiche e relazionali contro la cultura dello scarto) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Comunicare speranza in un mondo iper-accelerato e iper-connesso) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Corso intensivo su Economia e Francescanesimo) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Cuestiones actuales de moral: ética global, ecología y medios de comunicación) (Continua)
JPIC course: Migration: Causes, Walls and Franciscan Perspectives >>
PUAOn April 15 and 16, 2018, from 9:00 to 12:30am,  prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez will have two days of talks in Guadalajara (Mexico). On April 15, he will speak on the subject: "Care for sister Earth: common good and the right not to migrate" ... (Continua)
The current relevance of the Franciscan charism & intellectual tradition >>
PUAOn August 23, 2017, at  the San Damiano's retreat house, (Danville, California),the  prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez will have two talks about the relevance of the Franciscan intellectual tradition and charism in... (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Giornate Scienza - Fede (1-3 Agosto 2017)) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Corso intensivo su Economia e Francescanesimo) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Attualità del Francescanesimo) (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: Temi della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa nell'enciclica Laudato Si') (Continua)
PUAThe english version of this information is not still available. You may try to read it in Italian (Title: In cammino: Pellegrino o turista?) (Continua)
Prof. Carbajo will teach also in the USA, at the FST (Berkeley & San Diego) >>
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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