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Video clips about prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez
Conferences, TV interviews, etc

Place: PUA - Roma

A list of most of Prof. Carbajo's publications can be found in the "Bibliography" section of this web page: BooksArticles: in academic journalsin booksothers 

On this page you can download video material of some of his lectures and interviews. Usually, the length of each video is compressed between 5 and 14 minutes.

Available material
Video: "Franciscan Influence on the Market Economy and its relevance today"
MP4 (69 Kbytes)    772 hits
Online: (youtube) - CTU web page
Video: “Introducing prof. Martín Carbajo-Núñez"
MP4 (3.5 Mbytes)    773 hits
online (youtube)
01 "That they may have life" (Jn 10,10): The Bull of San Francisco (in Spanish)
MP4 (74679 bytes)    815 hits
Onlina (Youtube)
03_Authority and obedience: mothers who care for life (cf Rb 6:8) (in Spanish)
MP4 (306 Mbytes)    905 hits
Online (Youtube)
02_Work and Economics in the Light of the Bulada Rule (in Spanish)
MP4 (306 mbytes)    827 hits
Online (Youtube)
05_Francis, "popular" theologian: Greccio and the Franciscan theological tradition (in Spanish)
MP4 (74679 bytes)    808 hits
Online (Youtube)
Video: VIII International Bioethics Symposium - Colombia Sept. 7, 2023 - Final Words
MP4 (8.6 mbytes)    948 hits
Online (Youtube)
VIDEO: The grace to work: hope for the future
MP4 (209 Mbytes)    1334 hits
Online (Youtube)
2013: I gift pope Francis one of my books on economics
MP4 (1,3 Mbytes)    1432 hits
Online (youtube)
2023 (video)I gift 12 books Pope Francis
MP4 (2,3 Mbytes)    1458 hits
Online (Youtube)
2019: I gift to Pope Francis 6 of my books on ecology
MP4 (2,3 Mbytes)    1401 hits
 Online (Youtube)
"The Lord gave me brothers". Francis of Assisi's influence on the encyclical Fratelli tutti (ITM Murcia 20.03.2023) Full video
MP4 (100 Mbytes)    1429 hits
Video youtube
Report of the Video-conference about the encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" (Oct 5, 2020)
MP4 (5667464 bytes)    3455 hits
Video youtube español:
n English:
Round Table - Pandemic Covid-19 as a Challenge for Moral Theology
MP4 (85 mbytes)    2586 hits
Video Youtube (intervento prof. Carbajo):
Full video di tutta la Tavola rotonda (Acc. Alfonsiana):
Round table video presentation (21-02-2022)
MP4 (16856816 bytes)    2516 hits
A Fraternal economy: the Franciscan perspective
MP4 (145 Mytes)    2932 hits
Video Youtube: ​
Dialogue after the video conference
MP4 (50 Gbytes)    3354 hits
Video Youtube:
"Fratelli Tutti": Initial 7 minutes of my talk on the new encyclical (Rome Reports Oct 5, 2020)
MP4 (51 MB )    3507 hits
Debate after the talk on "Franciscan Spirituality and Integral Ecology"
MP4 (102 Mbytes)    3551 hits
- Youtube:
S.E. Cardinal Carlos Amigo invites all to read my book
MP4 (28 Mbytes)    3735 hits
Video youtube
Video: Integral Ecology & Communication in the Digital Age (Final Words)
MP4 (12 Mbytes)    3741 hits

- Youtube: full video:

Self-giving & Integral ecology - Debate at the USG's Webinar May 16, 2020
MP4 (11 Mbytes)    3845 hits
Final words in the presentation of my book "Everything is connected", Alfonsianum 27.2.2020
MP4 ( 46 Mbytes)    3687 hits
- Youtube: Parole finali di ringraziamento (prof. Carbajo e autorità accademiche):
Prof. Faggioni presents my book "Everything is connected", Alfonsianum 27.2.2020
MP4 ( 51 bytes)    3967 hits

- Video Youtube breve:

- Video Youtube completo:

Br Jaime Campos presents my book "Everything is connected", Alfonsianum 27.2.2020
MP4 ( bytes)    3752 hits
Video Youtube breve: - Completo:
MP4 (0 bytes)    3819 hits
- Link veloce al Video >>
I gift my last 6 books on ecology to Pope Francis
MP4 (6782372 bytes)    4326 hits
- Link veloce al Video >>
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. Moral Implications of Climate Change (Univ. of San Diego Oct. 17, 2018)
Video (350 mb)    887 hits
- Video Youtube (28") >> - Video Youtube + risposte (36") >> - Video originale (1h 30") >>
Italian headline: "Meno è di più". Basi antropologiche e relazionali contro la cultura dello scarto
MP4 (103 Mbytes)    1262 hits
- Link veloce al Video Youtube
Italian headline: La vocazione del giornalista: servitore della verità
MP4 (13 Mb)    1 hits
- Link veloce al Video Youtube >>
Communication in the Church - Molfetta (Bari-Italia) - 24/01/2018
MP4 (31 mb)    1142 hits
- Link veloce al Video Youtube >>
Italian headline: Accordo tra l’Universidad de Murcia e la Pontificia Università Antonianum
MP4 (20 Mbytes)    2745 hits
- Link veloce al Video Youtube >>
Italian headline: Gli Spettacoli e Padri della Chiesa - La ratio veritatis
MP4 (11 mb)    1 hits
Video Youtube >>
The Spirit of Assisi: the contributions by religions to peaceful coexistence in society
Video (447 mb)    1 hits
- Video Youtube >>
The Minister, the General Chapter OFM 2015 & the PUA give tribute to Martín Carbajo for his service as acting Rector Magnificus
MP4 (7 Mb)    1314 hits
Video Youtube
Holy Week: representations, processions, popular piety
MP4 (24mb)    6 hits
Video Youtube
Italian headline: 14-10-2014 ITM Murcia: Lectio inauguralis "Crisi economica: una proposta francescana"
MP4 (453 Mbytes)    334 hits
- La conferenza in video youtube
- Presentazione TV dell'atto accademico
Television Interview - October 12, 2014
Foto de la entrevista (320 kb)    1217 hits
Video TV
Italian headline: Saluto del Rettore Magnifico f.f. - Giornata sulla Misericordia: rivelazione del nome di Dio"
MP4 (299 Mb)    230 hits
Video Youtube
The Franciscan Way of caring & the PUA
MP4 (70 mb)    1 hits
Video Youtube
On the accademic year 2012-2013
PDF (452254 bytes)    4 hits
Video Youtube
VIDEO: Responsible use of Media
- Video 1/6: MP4 (40 mb)    1 hits
- Video Youtube: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Italian headline: VIDEO: Stili di vita nella società globale: Pellegrino o turista?, Roma 16-06-2012
- Scarica dépliant PDF (125 kb)    1 hits
- Video Youtube 1/4, Video 4/4 >>
Italian headline: VIDEO: "Verso un'etica globale dell'ospitalità", Roma 16-06-2012
- Scarica dépliant PDF (125kb)    4 hits
- Video Youtube >>
Italian headline: VIDEO: Parole di saluto del Vice-Rettore nell'atto accademico in onore di Mons. Luigi Padovese 5-06-2012
- Scarica il file Video (15847927 bytes)    3930 hits
- Link veloce al Video Youtube >>
Italian headline: Consegna dei Titoli Accademici in Quito (Ecuador)
Video (5756093 bytes)    6129 hits
Italian headline: Medaglia di onorificenza - Università di Cuenca (Ecuador)
Video (10891226 bytes)    6196 hits
TV interview on Ethics 2/2 (Galicia, Spain 1-1-2012)
Video (13.5 mb)    6432 hits
TV interview on Ethics 1/2 (Galicia, Spain 1-1-2012)
Video (13 mb)    6157 hits
Last Words at the Congress on Evangelization (Petropolis, Brasil 23-09-2012)
Video (14819494 bytes)    6273 hits
Conference (from minute 12 till 43) - Brasil 23-9-2011
Video (219 Mb)    5944 hits
Welcoming words as Vice-Rector (Petropolis, Brasil 23-09-2011)
Video (12941589 bytes)    6102 hits
His intervention in the debate (Petropolis, Brasil 23-09-2011)
Video (13222484 bytes)    6456 hits
TV Interview on Ethics 1/4 (Galicia, Spin 24-6-2011)
Video (22 mb)    6228 hits
TV Interview on Ethics 2/4 (Galicia, Spain 24-06-2010)
Video (22 Mb)    6087 hits
TV Interview on Ethics 3/4 (Galicia, Spain 24-06-2010)
Video (21 Mb)    6267 hits
TV interview on Ethics 4/4 (Galicia, Spain 24-06-2010)
Video (22 Mb)    6236 hits
TV Report on prof. Carbajo's Human work conference (Trento 14-4-2009)
Video (6 Mb)    6261 hits
On Human Work (Trento 14-4-2009)
Video (6,35 Mb)    5902 hits
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
This webpage is also available here