On November 17 and 18, 2023, Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, will lead two days of Franciscan formation for formators and friars in formation of the Junípero Serra Province of Mexico. More than 45 friars are expected to participate.
The central theme of these two days will be the eighth centenary of two important events for the Franciscan family: the confirmation of the Rule by Pope Honorius III, on 29.11.1223, and the staging of the Nativity in Greccio, just a month later. Prof. Carbajo will insist that this centenary should be perceived as a moment of grace and a propitious occasion to renew our dedication to the Lord.
The vital flame that has inspired Francis and his followers during these eight hundred years needs to be continually rekindled. We too are invited to embody it in the present situation in a creative and dynamic way, instead of falling into useless longings. This is the aim of this publication. Indeed, consecrated life «is not survival, it is new life». The Lord who granted Francis «to begin to do penance» (Test 1-2) now gives us this opportunity to remember the past with gratitude, to strengthen our charismatic identity in the present and to open ourselves with hope to the future.
As we celebrate these centenaries, we must listen again to the invitation of Francis: «Let us begin, brothers» (1Cel 103). The Franciscan Order, like any other group of religious life, is a living organism that needs to be open to vital processes of transformation. In addition, we need to strive for the celebration of these centenaries to have a positive impact on society and the cultural environments in which we are immersed.