Newsletter > 09/06/2025 Friday 14 March 2025

A Week of Franciscan Formation
San Felipe Teotlalcingo (Puebla) 9-13 June 2025

Place: San Felipe Teotlalcingo, Puebla
Date: 09/06/2025

Prof. Martín Carbajo-Núñez, OFM, will lead a week of Franciscan formation for all solemnly professed friars of the Provincial Custody of Mexico-Texas. The gathering will take place from June 9 to 13, 2025, at the "Padre Pío" House of Prayer (74144 San Felipe Teotlalcingo:, located at the foothills of the Iztaccíhuatl volcano, about an hour from Puebla.

The program includes six hours of daily presentations on Franciscan topics such as the Rule, Authority and Obedience, Fraternity, Integral Ecology, Economy, Leadership, and Synodality.

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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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