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Harsányi Pál Ottó , Amministratori o usufruttuari del creato. I. La crisi ambientale e il rapporto uomo-natura, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 639-665.

Summary: The impact of both climate change and environmental degradation claims many victims each year. Because humans are responsible for climate change, it is mandatory to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Saint Francis of Assisi, who is the patron saint of ecologists, stresses that at the core of the Christian’s relationship wit... ()

Klimas Narcyz, I danni subiti nei secoli dall’Archivio gerosolimitano: principali cause e fattori, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 531-564.

Summary: The article researches and presents the various kinds of damage caused in the past to the historical archives of the Holy land Franciscans, resulting in the impossibility of retracing some potentially valuable elements of the documentation of the history of the Franciscan mission of the Holy Land, especially those that are not of direct legal relevance or... ()

Gostecnik Christian, Relational Human Experiences as Sacred Phenomenon, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 143-158.

Summary. In this article we will introduce a new psychoanalytic dimension of relatedness, which derives from the relational family paradigm. It offers a new understanding of the sacredness of human personality and also of the relationships from which it is woven. This new psychoanalytic approach basically surmises that the relationship between the therapist and th... ()

Pazzini Massimo, La pace nell’Antico Testamento (considerazioni linguistiche), in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 369-383.

Summary: The word šālôm, in the Hebrew Bible, often has meanings that go beyond the simple concept of “peace.” From comparison with Acadic, it emerges that šālôm contains within itself the riches of two distinct roots (slm and šlm), which express, respectively, “peace, concord” and “well-bein... ()

Giordan Giuseppe - Oviedo Lluís , Stefano Federici, Cattolicesimo e pluralismo culturale. Un confronto tra Italia e Stati Uniti, in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 247-277.

Summary: The history of Christianity can be described as a history of constant confrontation with the social and cultural context it met all along the centuries. Such extraordinary capacity of Christianity, and of Catholicism in particular, of adapting to the most diverse cultures has been studied and investigated through multifarious perspectives, which have high... ()

Forthome Bernard, Le Goût du Paradis. Jardins cartusiens et franciscains , in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 279-307.

Summary: Even though St. Bruno describes the charm of his own monstery in Calabria and not the austere Chartreuse, when emphasising the expansion of the spirit that the monastery brings about, Adam Scot is quick to reduce the monastic garden to allegory, to the four streams that irrigate it (lectio, meditatio, oratio, opus manuum). This sort of garden will end up ... ()

Begg Christopher , The Denouement of the Story of Gideon according to Josephus , in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 9-23.

Summary: This essay offers a detailed study of Josephus' account, in Ant. 5.227-232, of the finale of the career of the "judge" Gideon, both in relation to its biblical Vorlage (Judg 7,24-8,35, as attested by the major ancient textual witnesses) and to, e.g., Pseudo-Philo and Samaritan tradition. Among the findings of the study are the following: Ant... ()

Gostecnik Christian, Salvation Presupposes a Relationship – New Paradigm in Psychotherapy, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 69-93.

Summary: A human being is in his essence a being of relationships, a being of dialogue, which is why everyone, consciously or subconsciously, unstoppably longs for a relationship with a fellow human being and God. We therefore claim that a relationship contains sacred dimensions which carry also an unstoppable longing for salvation. In this article we demonstrate ... ()

Chow Paul H. C., Thomas Aquinas's Theory Reflected, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 673-692.
Horta Espinoza Jorge, Diritto all’intimità. Fondamenti storici e proiezione del can. 220 CIC e can. 23 CCEO, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. .

Summary: The right to one’s “interiority,” as it were, which has achieved growing recognition in secular law systems, defined as “privacy”, has received explicit recognition also in the ambit of the canon law. It had made its way into the text of the 1983 Codex Iuris Caonici just in time to be promulgated with it. This article sheds l... ()

Cappello Glori , Maurice Blondel e Luigi Stefanini: corrispondenza inedita intorno alla possibilià di una “Filosofia Cristiana”, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 449-477.

Summary: Around the fourth decade of the last century there is a discernible climate of lively interest in a “Christian philosophy” and in new apologetic methods capable of re-expressing sensibilities and thematics that, while faithful to the dogmatic contents established by “Pascendi”, would not necessarily reproduce the selfsame speculati... ()

Popović Anto, Jesus and Abraham in the context of Luke’s genealogy (Luke 3:23-38), in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 31-54.

Summary: The link between Jesus and Abraham is most explicit in the two genealogies found in the New Testament: Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. This article analyses the function and meaning of Luke’s genealogy from the perspective of the relationship between Jesus and Abraham within the history of salvation.

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Corbic Arnaud , I fondamenti di una filosofia dell’uomo senza Dio nella triplice prospettiva di Albert Camus: L’assurdo, la rivolta, l’amore, in Antonianum 81/3 (2006) p. 509-523.

Summary: To identify the inhuman (the absurd, nihilism, resentment, evil), to establish the human (rebellion, love), to lay the foundations for a philosophy without God, this was the philosophical and literary undertaking of Albert Camus. To propose an as yet unknown wisdom, one that is at the same time individual, collective and cosmic, against all that would den... ()

MANZANO ISIDORO GUZMÁN, Obrar natural y obrar libre. La doctrina de kant sobre la libertad trascendental. (reflexiones sobre la tercera antinomia)., in Antonianum 81/2 (2006) p. 285-322.

Summary: The concept of “transcendental freedom” plays a central role in the Kantian system, in the relationship between cosmology, anthropology, ethics and even philosophical theology. In order to understand better such a concept, the article proposes to ground it in the cosmological struggle around free causality, a path which powerfully challenges a... ()

Savignano Armando, Don Chisciotte tra idealismo etico e tragedia, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 649-659.

Summary: The brief essay offers an account of Unamuno’s interpretation of the novel Don Quijote. That commentary is paradoxical as it takes into crisis the concept of authorship. Unamuno sees in the novel a kind of “Spanish Bible”, confirming the religious hermeneutics and the ethical idealism present in his intellectual production.

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Ferrari Silvio , Rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa: un modello europeo, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 699-723.

Summary: The article evokes and reviews the traditional classification of systems of relations between the State and religion in Europe, which it then finds inadequate to the present-day European situation, proceeding to outline the contours of the emerging European model, its prospects and problems.

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Fiorentino Francesco, La teoria della determinazione della volontà divina di Duns Scoto e la sua immediata ricezione medievale, in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 277-318.

Summary: This article invites us to examine the Scotist theory on the determination of the divine will. Those who followed Scotus and first of all his immediate successors in Paris took on the speculative challenge of the theory. They turned it into a model case of doctrinal culture in late medieval thought, given the obscure elements in the theory, left unresolve... ()

Forthomme Bernard , Crise et reprise de l’excellence religieuse, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 35-67.

Summary : After a historical overview on the sliding of the concept of perfection to the uncertain notion of excellence, this study examines successively the competing models of excellence (angelic, sporting, hagiographic, university, economic paradigms), the formation of a bodily elite, current manifestations of overarching or the pursuit of always bettering ones... ()

Diotallevi Luca, Cattolicesimo romano e globalizzazione religiosa, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 345-364.

Summary: This paper focuses on the relationship between Roman Catholicism and the global religious system. The study revolves around two main questions. First, if something like an institutionalisation of a religious (sub)system of the globalised society is happening. The Luhmannian theoretical perspective has been chosen to deal with this problem. Second, if Roma... ()

Rosik Mariusz, La fede che apre la strada alla salvezza (analisi sincronica di Mc 7, 24-30), in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 445-472.

Summary: The article proposes a synchronic analysis of Mark 7:24-30. This analysis is divided into three parts: the preliminary investigations (the delimitation of the pericope, textual criticism, and segmentation of the text), the exegesis of the pericope based on the internal structure which was established, and the conclusion. Special attention is given to the ... ()

Schreurs Nico, Schuldbekenntnis und Öffentlichkeit, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 151-162.

Summary: This article asks why it has been so difficult to explain the purpose and meaning of  Pope John Paul II March 2000 Mea Culpa. In the author's opinion, three factors must be dealt with: I. The form in which the Mea Culpa took place (a liturgical service). 2. The material: in naming error then who are the guilty? Are th... ()

Calvo Gaspar, Mariología Trinitaria de la M. Agreda. Notas para su estudio, in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 285-316.

Summary: This year marks  the IV Centenary of the birth of Sr. María de Jesús de Agreda (1602-1665), an outstanding master of the spiritual life and of mystical experience. Her work “Mística ciudad de Dios” or “Vida de la Virgen”, is a model of narrative Mariology. She describes a path ... ()

Cattaneo Arturo, La priorità della Chiesa universale sulla Chiesa particolare, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 503-541.

Summary: The question about the priority between the universal Church and the particular Church has aroused considerable interest in postconciliar ecclesiology. Some authors have stressed the priority of the universal Church, others of the particular Church, and still others of both simultaneously. Catholic Magisterium has produced two... ()

Todisco Orlando, L’univocità scotista dell’ente e la svolta moderna, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 79-110.

Summary:  After presenting the essential terms of an historographical orientation, according to which Scotostic univocity signals the beginning of the fall of the philosphical-scientific perspective from the theological realm, the author: (I) Undertakes a reanalysis of the doctri-ne of the univocity of being with the objective of showing the possibilies, not ... ()

Andonegui Javier, Escoto en el punto de mira, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 145-191.

Summary: Duns Scotus is frequently cited in the writings of contemporary authors; as a rule he is the object of admiration and respect. He is furthermore held in high regard for his speculative thought and originality, but often the same experts are lacking in a sufficiently global and comprehensive interpretation of his writings. In t... ()

Klauck Hans-Josef , Gemeinde und Gesellschaft im frühen Christentum, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 225-246.

Summary: The article first discusses some second‑century pagan testimonies related to early Christian communities (Lucian, Pliny, Celsus, Apuleius), which sound very unfavorable, but prove rather instructive when read critically, and contrasts them with a perspective from within, represented by the Letter to Diognetus. Then it mo... ()

Huculak Benedykt, De notionali cardine trinitariae theologiae Graecae, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 271-294.

Summary: The article deals with the notion of order between the divine Persons, which is as basic for the Trinitarian Greek theology, as it is with the concept of relation for the Western doctrine, but especially for Thomas Aquinas, while the profoundly Latin theology of John Duns Scotus is nearer to the Greek thaught. The Eastern Fath... ()

Oppes Stephane, La parola quale actus absolutus et respectivus predicata sempre nozionalmente in Dio , in Antonianum 76/4 (2001) p. 687-728.

Summary: Bonaventure, in his Comment to the First Book of the Sentences, seems to be the first to maintain that the term “verbum” predicated to God, in the intratrinitarian life, applies exclusively to the Son, as in the case of “dicere”, which indicates generating, “giving birth”. The hermeneutic of... ()

Chavero Blanco Francisco, Immutatio dexterae altissimi. Lectura teológica de la conversión de San Francisco (Legenda maior Cap. 1), in Antonianum 75/4 (2000) p. 681-719.

Summary: This article analyses the account of the conversion of St. Francis as narrated in the Legenda Maior by St. Bonaventure. Beginning with the brief historical facts that are found in the Testament, Bonaventure goes on to interpret the expression “begin to do penance” in the light of his own theology of grace. He prese... ()

Andonegui Javier, Rogerio Bacon: Su última obra sobre el significado, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 253-305.

Summary: The article offers an interpretation of the book, Compendium Studii Theologiae, Bacon’s last book and surely of great influence on the later Franciscan masters, Scotus and Ockham.  The emphasis of the philosophy was to overhaul the theory of meaning, further than had the Aristotelian formation, dominant in Paris of&... ()

Garuti Adriano, Primato del Vescovo di Roma e Dialogo Cattolico/Luterano II, in Antonianum 74/4 (1999) p. 587-626.

Summary: In the first part of his study, the author presented the Lutheran vision of the primacy as well as a systematic analysis, within the more general ecclesiological context, of the documents of the ecumenical dialogue on this question.  In this second part, he provides an assessment of the results thus far achieved. This eva... ()

Carmody Maurice, I quattro principi dell'Unione Leonina 1897: sfondo e contesto , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 79-109.
Calabrese Vincenzo, Il Thesaurus del Gavanti (1569-1638) - Merari (1668-1744) e la teologia della celebrazione della Messa, in Antonianum 68/2-3 (1993) p. 287-299.

SOMMARIO: In the absence of any study on the Thesaurus of Gavanti-Merati, even though it was one of the books read most widely by the post- Tridentine clergy, the article deals with the theology of the Mass in so far as it can be drawn out from the commentary of the two authors on the Rubrics of the Missal of St. Pius V. Quest... ()

Boni Andrea, L'Ordine dei Frati Minori nella clericalità delle sue origini, in Antonianum 64/4 (1989) p. 540-586.

Summary — In this article the Author tackles the problem of the original « cle-i icality» of the Order of Friars Minor, since it is historically proved that St. Francis and his first companions had received the « tonsure », but it is not easy to explain the exact meaning of this event. It is a problem whic... ()

Artus Walter W. , The Christian Philosophical Understanding of Roman Lull's « Rationes Necessariae » , in Antonianum 62/2-3 (1987) p. 237-270.

Résumé — Elle est dénuée de fondement l'accusation faite à Raymond Lulle d'être un surrationaliste. Le penseur médiéval se situe, au contraire, par ses idées, à mi-chemin entre le rationnalisme de Thomas d'Aquin et l'attitude intellectuelle de la... ()

Giordani Bruno, Confronto tra due esponenti della psicologia umanistica: Cari Rogers e Robert Carkhuff , in Antonianum 62/2-3 (1987) p. 311-337.

Summary — A confrontation is made between two exponents of the humanistic existential psychology, which made its first appearance in the United States of America in the Thirties: Carl Rogers, the pioneer of the «person-centered-therapy» and Robert Carkhuff, a disciple of Rogers. The comparative study aims at making ev... ()

Vazquez Janeiro Isaac, Recensione: Andrés Barcala Muñoz, Censuras inquisitoriales a las obras de P. Tam-burini y al Sínodo de Pistoya , in Antonianum 61/1 (1986) p. 196-197.
Ceyssens Lucien, Autour de la bulle « Unigenitus ». Correspondances de Don Alexandre Albani, neveu du pape Clément XI, in Antonianum 61/4 (1986) p. 707-725.
Recio Veganzones Alejandro, Escena musiva medieval en la fachada de Araceli (Roma) representando a Francisco en el sueno de Inocencio III, in Antonianum 57/1-4 (1982) p. 259-285.
Gamboso Virgilio, Il quaresimale « De Christiana religione », appunti di lettura, in Antonianum 55/3 (1980) p. 573-592.
Pesce Pier Giuseppe, La libertà tra permissivismo e repressione, in Antonianum 55/1-2 (1980) p. 87-107.
Giamberardini Gabriele, La predestinazione assoluta di Cristo nella cultura orientale prescolastica e in Giovanni Scoto , in Antonianum 54/4 (1979) p. 596-621.
Bougerol Jacques, Saint Bonaventura, le savoir et le croire , in Antonianum 50/1-2 (1975) p. 124-140.

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Fiorentino Francesco, Recensione: Franciscus de Marchia, Commentarius in IV libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi, Quastiones praeambulae et Prologus, in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 589-591.

Nel presente volume, corredato da utili ed efficaci sommari riassuntivi, dopo aver curato l’edizione critica dell’Improbatio, della Sententia et Compilatio super libros Physicorum, dei Quodlibeta cum quaestionibus selectis di Francesco d’Ascoli, Nazzareno Mariani in quanto brillante studioso... ()

Tammaro Ciro, Recensione: ANTONIO VIANA, Derecho Canónico Territorial, Historia y doctrina del territorio diocesano, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 387-390.

L’Istituto Martín de Azpilcueta della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico dell’Università di Navarra si è messo in evidenza, soprattutto negli ultimi anni, per la pubblicazione di studi su temi giuridico-canonici di grande attualità, scritti  da specialisti ma con un fine di ampia divulgazion... ()

Gibu Alfonso, Recensione: Alister E. McGrath, Spiritualità cristiana. Una introduzione, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 592-595.
Nobile Marco, Recensione: VICTOR MORLA ASENSIO, Libri sapienziali e altri scritti; ANTONIO BONORA-MICHELANGELO PRIOTTO e coli., Libri sapienziali e altri scritti , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 155-157.

Si recensiscono insieme questi due volumi appena apparsi, perché trattano della stessa materia e addirittura hanno lo stesso titolo. Non possiamo che salutare positivamente questo affollarsi di pubblicazioni bibliche di livello scientifico nel pa­norama it... ()

Manzano Isidoro, Recensione: Obras completas del Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita (Ed. preparada por Teodoro H. Martin; Madrid BAC 1990)., in Antonianum 68/2-3 (1993) p. 411.
Giordani Bruno, Recensione: Eugenio Fizzotti, Nel cavo della mano. Agli anziani, in Antonianum 66/1 (1991) p. 164.

II volumetto raccoglie una serie di articoli che l'A. ha pubblicato nella rivista Vivere nell'arco di 16 anni. Si tratta di una gallería di 32 quadretti che illustrano, in forma spedita e convincente, il problema del dolore in tutte le sue forme, com­preso quello dovuto alia vecchiaia. La... ()

Giordani B., Recensione: E. Fizzotti - R. Caralli, Logoterapia applicata. Da una vita senza scuso a un scuso nella vita, in Antonianum 66/1 (1991) p. 168.

La vasta letteratura sul noto psichiatra viennese e padre della logoterapia, V. Frankl, trova nel presente lavoro una puntualizzazione su alcuni problemi attuali, affrontati secondo la dottrina frankliana.

Il lavoro, redatto per ricordare gli 85 anni di V... ()

Jaeger David -Maria A., Recensione: Romeo Astorri, Gli Statuti delle Conferenze Episcopali. I: Europa , in Antonianum 64/2-3 (1989) p. 680-682.

Episcopal Conferences have an important and highly visible role to play in the life of the Church today, even quite apart from the continuing debate on the specific theological foundation (if any) of the function they fill, as distinct from the positive ecclesiastical law determinations regar­ding their constit... ()

Mariani Eliodoro, Recensione: Saturnino Gallego, San Juan Bautista de La Salle, voi. 2, in Antonianum 62/1 (1987) p. 134-135.

A trecento anni dalla fondazione dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane la meritoria fatica di Saturnino Gallego di presentarci, con metodo scien­tifico e per la prima volta, in due volumi, la biografia e gli scritti fonda­mentali, del fondatore, merita il più ampio riconoscimento. Le altre dici... ()

Rezette Jean, Recensione: José Saraiva Martins, / Sacramenti délia Nuova Alleanza , in Antonianum 62/2-3 (1987) p. 356-357.

On a beaucoup écrit sur les sacrements, ces derniers temps. Non pas seulement sur tel ou tel  sacrement,  mais  aussi  sur les  sacrements  en général. Certains, séduits par la sémiologie ou l'une des sciences actuelles qui s'occupent du signe, ont voulu relire la... ()

Antourakis Georges V. , Miscellanea: Principaux points de l'art chrétien , in Antonianum 68/2-3 (1987) p. 344-348.

1. Jusqu'à l'époque de Justinien (565) ou même jusqu'au conflit iconoclaste  (725 et suite), l'art chrétien dans  son ensemble est la continuation, dans son évolution, de l'art gréco-romain, qui a... ()

Mariani Eliodoro, Recensione: Enrique L. Dóriga, El universo de Newton y de Einstein. Introducción a la filosofia de la naturaleza, in Antonianum 61/2-3 (1986) p. 499-500.

L'Autore, gesuita, allievo di Karl Rahner a Innsbruck, dove si laureò in teologia nel 1962, è attualmente professore nella Facoltà teologica di Lima, nel Perù. Prima di dedicarsi agli studi teologici aveva avuto una formazione letterario-filosofica e d'ingegneria elettromeccanica a Madrid, sua patria... ()

Vazquez Janeiro Isaac, Recensione: D'ANDEA GIOACCHINO FRANCESCO, Marmora Cineres et Nihil, in Antonianum 59/1-2 (1984) p. 528-529.

Questo libro, occasionato dal recente centenario francescano, non e una delle solite pubblicazioni celebrative ma ha un carattere e un taglio piuttosto insolito.

II prolifico e versatile P. Gioacchino D'Andrea, dopo aver regalato ... ()

Manzano Isidoro, Recensione: THILS G., Droits de l'homme et perspectives chrétiennes, in Antonianum 56/2-3 (1981) p. 521.
Vazquez Janeiro Isaac, Recensione: CEYSSENS L., Jansenística minora (Extraits d'articles, fascicules nn. 111-120). Tome XIII, in Antonianum 55/3 (1980) p. 528.
Rezette Jean, Recensione: JAMMARRONE LUIGI, Hans Kiing, eretico. Eresie cristologiche nell'opera «Christ Sein», , in Antonianum 55/3 (1980) p. 520-521.

Hans Kiing, cet « enfant terrible » de la théologie contemporaine, n'a pas encore fini de faire parler de lui. Dans un récent article du journal francais « Le Monde » (17 octobre 1979), il prétendait tout simplement administrer une «... ()

Van Asseldonk Optatus, Recensione: FERNANDO URIBE ESCOBAR, OFM, Strutture e specificità della vita religiosa secondo la regola di S. Benedetto e gli opuscoli di S. Francesco d'Assisi , in Antonianum 55/3 (1980) p. 515-517.

Questa tesi di laurea è stata preparata sotto la guida eminente del compianto P. C. Esser, professore all'Istituto francescano di spiritualità all'Antonianum di Roma. L'autore mostra di essere pienamente entrato nel sicuro metodo critico de... ()

Mariani Eliodoro, Recensione: REALE GIOVANNI, Storia della filosofia antica, , in Antonianum 55/1-2 (1980) p. 297-298.

L'Autore di questa storia della filosofia antica, Ordinario alla Fa­coltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano proviene da una lunga familiarità su tutti i problemi della filo­sofia antica, dai presocratici a Pla... ()

Brogi Marco, Recensione: ODEH ISSA A., Les Minorités Chrétiennes de Palestine à travers les siècles, Etude historico-juridique et développement moderne international, in Antonianum 53/3-4 (1978) p. 622-624.

Scrivendo questa recensione mentre sono in corso le trattative di pace tra Egitto ed Israele, con gli alti e bassi che le accompagnano, è certo superfluo dilungarsi a sottolineare l'attualità di uno studio sui gruppi etnici e confessionali palestinesi, con particolare ... ()

Mariani Eliodoro, Recensione: SARRI FRANCESCO, Socrate e la genesi storica dell'idea occidentale di anima , in Antonianum 52/4 (1977) p. 727-728.