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Zavalloni Roberto, Criteri per uno studio personalitą di Francesco d'Assisi , in Antonianum 66/2-3 (1991) p. 369-384.

SUMMARY: — In view of a psychologic study on the complex personality of Francis of Assisi, under both the human and the spiritual aspect, the author indicates certain criteria as guide­lines. In order to determine precisely the relationship between spiritual authenticity and per­sonality, the following particular themes a... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, La « corporeitą » nel pensiero francescano. Da san Francesco a Duns Scoto , in Antonianum 66/4 (1991) p. 532-562.

SUMMARY — This study intends to formulate some philosophical-theological reflections and to draw certain conclusions of a spiritual nature from the teaching and the «praxis» of Saint Francis regarding the topic of «corporeity», and also from the concepts, which, under this aspect, have been expressed by tw... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Il problema del « filosofare nella fede ». Linee emergenti del dibattito. , in Antonianum 64/2-3 (1989) p. 431-469.

Summary — Within the historical/doctrinal context of the relationships existing between reason and faith, between philosophy and theology, problems of a general character are first submitted to the examination of the author, such as the elaboration of the « biblical message » in a philosophical perspective; a... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Riflessioni e orientamenti sulla didattica della filosofia, in Antonianum 63/1 (1988) p. 116-150.

Summary — This work presents an examination of the principal aspects of the debate, always actual, on the teaching of philosophy as a formative value: on the basis of some writings particularly relevant to this purpose, an attempt is made to sum up the most valid elements and recommend them to the consideration of students and te... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Esigenze e prospettive di rinnovamento nella concezione dell'uomo, in Antonianum 63/2-3 (1988) p. 356-389.

Summary — In the present work the author tackles the problem of phi­losophical anthropology: the problem concerning the concept of the human being, taking as departing point the properties of his behaviour. After having pointed out the failures that one encounters in this respect, the author goes on to delineate the double as... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, La funzione educativa del lavoro umano alla luce della « Laborem exercens » , in Antonianum 62/1 (1987) p. 98-119.

Summary — The A. of this study, in the light of the teaching of the Enciclical Laborem exercens, exposes all the social and juridical implications concerning an educational conception of human labour. Will be empha­sized the ethical and personalistic value of labour, with its institutional and structural consequences and responsabilities. Especi... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Contributo della psicologia alla teologia spirituale , in Antonianum 62/2-3 (1987) p. 289-310.

Summary — The work is an attempt to tackle the problem of spiritual authenticity in respect to human psychology. After having outlined the characteristics of this relationship with the action of divine grace, the author takes into account the normal, pathological and deformed expres­sions of the spiritual life; subsequently, ... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Gli allucinogeni e l'esperienza religiosa , in Antonianum 61/1 (1986) p. 135-153.

Summary. — The ethico-social problems examined in this article concern psychopharacology, which is to say such pharmacological products as act upon the brain and thereby directly condition human behaviour. An at­tempt is made in this article to determine specifically the significance and the value of so-called «hallucin... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, Fattori e modalitą di sviluppo del comportamento morale, in Antonianum 61/2-3 (1986) p. 434-467.

Summary. — By analysing the resarches of psychologists and anthropo-loigsts into the moral development of individuals, this article highlights the fact that such changes as come about with age are not products of an automatic process of growth to maturity, but are in fact influenced by socio-cultural factors. Analysed are J. Piag... ()

Zavalloni Roberto, San Giovanni da Capestrano e la « cultura francescana della pace »., in Antonianum 61/4 (1986) p. 520-539.
Zavalloni Roberto, L'intelligenza affettiva in G. Duns Scoto alla luce della psicologia moderna, in Antonianum 54/1 (1979) p. 40-75.
Zavalloni Roberto, Tecniche d'investigazione e vita privata , in Antonianum 52/4 (1977) p. 585-625.
Zavalloni Roberto - Senesi Lucia, Ricerca sul disadattamento scolastico nella scuola primaria , in Antonianum 51/2-3 (1976) p. 266-292.