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Nguyen Van Si A. , La théologie de l'imitation du Christ d'après Saint Bonaventure, Bibliotheca, 32, Ed. Antonianum, Roma, 1991 , p. 201 pp. (€ 20,65) ISBN 88-7257-021-2 .
Nguyen Van Si A. , Conception de l'education chez Karl Marx et Antonio Gramsci. Essai de confrontation et de critique , Studia, 26, Ed. Antonianum, Roma, 1980 , p. 215 pp. (€ 14,46) .

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Nguyen Van Si Ambrogio, Le symboles de l'itinéraire dans l'Itinerarium mentis in Deum de Bonaventure, in Antonianum 68/2-3 (1993) p. 327-347.

SUMMARY: Bonaventure was one of the medieval authors who constantly made use of the symbolic language in his writings especially those theological and spiritual. The author of this article intends to reveal the most significant symbols of the itinerary in one of his best known works, namely the «Itinerarium mentis in Deum&raq... ()