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Prof. publications (4)


(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 4; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 4; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (4)
Marchitielli Elena, Statuto ontologico dell’uomo ed eutanasia: una improponibile equazione, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 89-112.

Summary: The relevance which mass media accords to bioethics and to problems related to it, in particular to euthanasia, can be interpreted as a cultural factor of our time, in the sense that it is perceived as a response to a very urgent question about the real meanings of interventions which science and different techniques target th... (More)

Marchitielli Elena, Fede e ragione: un dramma del nostro tempo, in Antonianum 75/4 (2000) p. 721-758.

Summary: In this article the author starts with an important consideration in the understanding of the doctrinal impact of Fides et Ratio, which is above all a call from John Paul II to reflect seriously on the conflict between reason and faith.  With this foundation the article interprets the encyclical in light of reactions crit... (More)

Marchitielli Elena, ' Aφελε παντα ossia spogliati di tutto. Un‘ammonizione di Plotino , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 97-134.

Summary: The Plotinian admonition, “strip away everything,” differentiates itself from the detached declarations by the philosophical systems of the Hellenistic period for its metaphysical content, in the sense that the ethical emphasis and intellectual demand of such a liberation open the way for the return to The One and The Good. In Plotinus’ ... (More)

Marchitielli Elena, Alleanza sponsale con Cristo nell'epistolario clariano, in Antonianum 70/1 (1995) p. 99-115.

Summary: On the 8th centenary of the birth of St. Clare of Assisi the author of this study rereads the letters of the Saint in the light of her leit-motiv: the religious life felt and experienced by St. Cla­re at San Damiano as a nuptial alliance sanctioned with Christ. The four letters to Agnes of Bo­hemia were conceived and e... (More)

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