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Cenci Cesare, Le constituzioni come fonti per studiare l’evoluzione della storia dei frati minori, in Antonianum 75/2 (2000) p. 365-372.
Cenci Cesare, Sermoni anonimi già attribuiti a Pietro di Giovanni Olivi , in Antonianum 73/1 (1998) p. 43-77.

Summary: The Sermons, contained in codices Vat. Borghres, 54 and 69, ascribes to Peter OIlivi by J. B. Schneyer, are dated in the current article as 1291, the year of the fall of Accon, and are attributed to an anonymous Italian-Tuscan-Franciscan, were probably delivered in the Church of Santa Croce in Florence. There are also three appendices: the sermon by St. F... ()

Cenci Cesare , Sermoni del Comune dei Santi, dei morti e della Madonna, composti dal francescano Fr. Albertino da Verona (sec.XIII) , in Antonianum 69/2-3 (1994) p. 273-274.

SUMMARY: This article deals with the sermons of Friar Albertino da Verona on the Com­mons. The author uses precise references to establish the friar's presence at Bologna between 1258 and 1269 and then describes the eight manuscripts from which the sermons on the Com­mon of Saints, the Blessed Virgin and the Dead are extrac... ()

Cenci Cesare, Le «Postillae Dominicales» di Fr. Girolamo d'Ascoli, in Antonianum 68/4 (1993) p. 485-525.

SUMMARY: We know about the cursus honorum of Br. Jerome of Ascoli as Nuncio to Con­stantinople (1272), Minister General (1274), Cardinal (1278), Pope (1288-1292). There are no references to his cultural formation. Of the works attributed to him, only the Postillae Domi-nicaks contained in the cod. Casanatense 1184... ()

Cenci Cesare, Sermoni del Mag. Ascensio di Santa Colomba, in Antonianum 66/2-3 (1991) p. 301-351.

Summary — Stated as premise the distinction between the two Franciscans - fr. Astesano of Asti and master Ascensio of Santa Colomba, the author enlists the latter's works and descri­bes all the sermons attributed to him; as an example of a new type of preaching a publication of one sermon is added in an Appendix.)

Ouy Gilbert - Cenci Cesare, Manoscritti assisani reperiti nella Biblioteca Pubblica di Leningrado e nel Seminario di Firenze , in Antonianum 60/2-3 (1985) p. 335-342.