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Orlando Luigi , La lettera di Giacomo. Liturgia e medio Giudaismo, in Antonianum 81/3 (2006) p. 431-461.

Summary: the author, after some introductory data, introduces a review of the old problems: the literary genre to which he ascribes a liturgical aspect and the various methodological hypotheses of structure. Then he examines the theme of justification as between Paul and James in the light of the Jewish middle movement and its developments.

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Orlando Luigi , Il Figlio dell’uomo. Percorso teologico , in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 207-244.

Summary. Throughout history, the study of the Son of man logia has given rise to a vast literature. The opinions of the exegetes are varied. The author analyzes the Son of man texts from the Old and New Testament and from Jewish apocalyptic literature. He compares them and traces the course of their theological evolution. Jesus unites in himself two figures: that ... ()


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Orlando Luigi, Libri nostri: JORGE HUMBERTO MORALES RÍOS, El Espίritu Santo En San Marcos. Texto Y Contexto, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 191-197.

Il Prof. Morales, docente di esegesi neotestamentaria presso la Pontificia Università Antonianum di Roma, pubblica la sua tesi di dottorato in Scienze Bibliche. Il moderatore della tesi è l’autorevole Prof. Klemens Stock S.J. La tesi è stata discussa il 20 maggio 2003. È la prima volta che il tema dell... ()