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Chrupcala Leslaw D., «Il Regno di Dio non verrà μετα παρατηρησεως» (Lc 17,20b), in Antonianum 72/1 (1997) p. 39-52.

Summary: The particular expression of Lk. 17,20b μετα παρατηρησεως (hapax of the NT) has for a long time become an obiect of diligent study. The attempts made by biblical scholars to determine its true significance, and also the exact sense to be attributed to the Lukan text, are in... ()

Chrupcala Leslàw D. , Il tema del regno di Dio nell'opera lucana, in Antonianum 69/1 (1994) p. 3-34.

SUMMARY: Notwithstanding the accusations directed against Luke, one cannot defend the opinion according to which the third evangelist would have lost sight of the eschatological character of the kingdom of God, because of the waning in the expectation of the parousia. The unified reading of Luke-Acts demonstrates that the so-called acc... ()

Chrupcala Leslaw D. , La Chiesa e il Regno di Dio. Il rapporto definito nella Lumen Gentium , in Antonianum 69/2-3 (1994) p. 213-230.

SUMMARY: The article has two parts. Firstly, there is an outline of the historical journey which led the formulation of number five, dedicated to the Kingdom of God, in the Dogmatic Consti­tution on the Church Lumen Gentium. The troubled «iter» of the Conciliar Document, until it rea­ched its definitive draft, demon... ()


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Chrupcala Laslaw Daniel, Recensione: YVES CONGAR, Église et papauté. Regards historìques , in Antonianum 72/1 (1997) p. 136-143.

Il volume che presentiamo contiene una raccolta di articoli e di studi del com­pianto card. Congar, scomparso alcuni mesi fa, e apparsi precedentemente su diver­se riviste o in opere collettive. In maggioranza sono stati scritti negli anni settanta­ottanta, uno è dell'anno 1961 ed un altro del 1953. Nell... ()