Álvarez Barredo Miguel ,
Perfiles literarios y teológicos de Jue 7 ,
Antonianum, 75/1 (2000) p. 3-40
Summary : Judg 7 describes the victory of Gideon over the Midianites and, at the same time, reveals the military genius of this judge in conceiving and executing a strategy. Nevertheless, this chapter reflects a long history at the redactional and theological levels, gathering different literary perspectives and theological currents. The present study intends to delve into these questions. Judg 7 offers two facets of Gideon: in vv. 7-8 Gideon appears constrained by divine action, but for the rest we discover a liberator who follows his own initiative in the attack against the Midianites. Two opposing planes can be discovered in the narrative: the divine, which presides over the first part, and the human over the second. Further, vv. 1-8 of the first section are a corrective of vv. 9-22 where Gideon’s victory could be misunderstood and wrongly interpreted as resulting merely from human protagonism.