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Scipione De' Ricci e la Santa Sede dopo il Sinodo di Pistoia (1786). Il carteggio Garampi

Foto Calabrese Vincenzo , Scipione De' Ricci e la Santa Sede dopo il Sinodo di Pistoia (1786). Il carteggio Garampi, in Antonianum, 72/1 (1997) p. 79-93 .

Summary: The epistular correspondence between Mons. Scipione De' Ricci and Cardinal garampi, still unpublished, reveals the attempt on the part of the "Jansenist" Bishop of Pistoia and Prato, after the failures and the incomprehension of his pastoral duties, to gain the confidence of the influential Cardinal, who at that time was the Perfect of the Vatican Archives, by sending to him his pastoral letter. Such an attempt, however, was unsuccessful because the Cardinal deemed it most prudent to seek the advice of cardinals Antonelli and Boncompagni regarding the replies to be given.