The Great Jubilee of the Jerusalem Commettee: Project of a week of study on Christology,
Antonianum, 71/4 (1996) p. 747-748
April 29th - May 4th, 1997, Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, Jerusalem
Faculties and Seminaries taking part: Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise; Pontificio Istituto Biblico; Seminaire du Patriarcat Latin; Studen-tato Teologico Salesiano; Studium Biblicum Franciscanum; Studium Theo-logicum Jerosolymitanum OFM; Theologisches Studienjahr Dormitio.
- Tuesday April 29th, 1997 - In the morning, major christological texts of
the New Testament: J. N. Aletti, SJ (in Italian); J. Murphy O'Connor,
OP (in English).
In the afternoon, work shops on Old Testament messianic texts both sapiential and royal.
- Wednesday April 30th, 1997 - In the morning, dialogue between Jews and
Christians on christology: F. Manns, OFM (in French, or English); a Jew
ish scholar (in English).
In the afternoon, panel discussion on specific topics such as anthropomorphism in the Hebrew Bible and different forms of God's presence among men, with the participation of Jewish scholars.
- Thursday May 1st, 1997 - In the morning, Scholastic christologies: M.
Dubois, OP (Thomas Aquinas; in French); J. A. Merino, OFM (John
Duns Scotus; in Italian).
In the afternoon, panel discussion on Jewish-Christian-Moslem dialogue in Middle Ages, and modern perspectives on this subject.
- Friday May 2nd, 1997 - In the morning, Fathers and theologians of the Lo
cal Church: R. Khoury, Latin Patriarchate (Fathers of the local Church;
in Italian); S. Khalil, SJ (Medieval Arab-Christian writers on christology;
in French).
In the afternoon, panel discussion on Christian-Moslem relations, with the participation of Moslem scholars.
Saturday May 3rd, 1997 - In the morning, modern christologies: V. Battaglia, OFM (in Italian); A. Amato, SDB (in English, or French).
In the afternoon, ecumenical panel on Oriental and Protestant christologies, with the participation of theologians of different denominations in the Holy Land.
- Sunday May 4th, 1997 - Common Celebration in Bethlehem. Concluding dinner.