Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac ,
« O sommo Giove ». Sobre la fortuna literaria de una invocación de Dante (Purg. VI, 118) ,
Antonianum, 70/2 (1995) p. 217-235
Riassunto: In the tercet of Purg. 6, 118-20, Dante invokes God to eliminate the evils which afflict both Italy and the Church. In the pages that follow one seeks to determine, on one part, the sources and, on the other part, the fortune of the Dantescan invocation in five medieval authors. As possible sources are indicated Aen. 1, 378-380 ("love Summo") and Aen. 4, 203-208 ("adspicis haec?"). As to the fortune of the invocation, its presence is recorded in the Italian Francesco Pe-trarca, Giovanni Boccaccio and Giacomo Belardi Arrigoni; in the German Dietrich von Niem; and in the Spanish Diego Moxena de Valencia. Notwithstanding the Virgilian inspiration and the general structure, the invocation had to undergo, from Petrarca onwards, a double metamorphosis: it was in fact related to another Virgilian source, namely to Aen. 5, 867-868, and used exclusively to lament the evils of the Church and implore the remedy.