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Sermoni del Comune dei Santi, dei morti e della Madonna, composti dal francescano Fr. Albertino da Verona (sec.XIII)

Foto Cenci Cesare , Sermoni del Comune dei Santi, dei morti e della Madonna, composti dal francescano Fr. Albertino da Verona (sec.XIII) , in Antonianum, 69/2-3 (1994) p. 273-274 .

SUMMARY: This article deals with the sermons of Friar Albertino da Verona on the Com­mons. The author uses precise references to establish the friar's presence at Bologna between 1258 and 1269 and then describes the eight manuscripts from which the sermons on the Com­mon of Saints, the Blessed Virgin and the Dead are extracted. He then lists each manuscript individually together with its "incipit" and "explicit".