> > Olejnik

La concezione metodologica della misurazione secondo K. Ajdukiewicz, rappresentante della scuola di Leopoli-Varsavia

Foto Olejnik Roman M. , La concezione metodologica della misurazione secondo K. Ajdukiewicz, rappresentante della scuola di Leopoli-Varsavia , in Antonianum, 67/2-3 (1992) p. 414-430 .

SUMMARY: The value and the wide use of the measurement, explain and cause the inte­rest in these problems aside from physicists and philosophers. Modern science always rea­ches more vast spaces of the macrocosm and the microcosm. This brings with it the constant improvement of the process of measurement. The problem of measurement, in the metho­dological aspect, has been treated by K. Ajdukiewicz, among others. In the first part of this article are presented the works of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz which deal with the question of measurement. Analyzing the different concepts, we notice a certain evolution of meaning of the concept of measurement in the work of his followers. In the second part are presented the different definitions of measurement which we find in the methodological literature, both of logic and of physics of various countries.